What does church sponsorship look like?
We will be in contact with you before the movie to see what options you would like to provide during your movie night. We will create a Facebook event and an event on our website. we ask that you share these with your congregation and ask them to share with as many people as they can. Some churches even print flyers to help advertise this event. Remember our goal is to reach as many people as we can that have not heard about Jesus or maybe those who will not step foot into church.
On the night of your movie night, we will bring everything you need. We will ask that you arrive an hour and half before the start of your movie. This will allow us to have step up, but also have time between set up and movie start time to interact with those who are coming in for our movie. During the movie people steadily come to the concession stand, so we will need to be available for them to talk if they need, as well as serving them the concessions that they need. there will be down time where you can watch some of the movie as well. Towards the end of the movie, we will need help passing out and collecting the cards they will fill out for the door prizes. Help is needed to direct people out, as well as talking to any that may have come forward during the invitation time. There are areas for everyone to help.
Why do we need to have church sponsors?
Drive-In is seeing many people accept Christ as their Lord and Savior; however, we are not a church and cannot teach them how to grow in their relationship with Christ. Church sponsors help us in many ways. The most important way is it provides a place where those who make decisions for Christ at our movie nights can get plugged in to grow their relationship with Christ. Having members from the church out at the movie nights also gives these people a familiar face so that they are not as afraid to walk into the church.
What movies can we play at Drive-In Park?
We have a number of movies to choose from and are working to gain licensing to show even more. If your church has a movie that you would like to play at the park, just let us know and we can look into the licensing to see if we can make that happen. Click here for our list.
What costs are there for church sponsorship?
All church sponsorships are different, based on the desires of the church. The only thing we ask is that if your church wants to sponsor a movie that you bring some volunteers from your church out to the movie night. Every other area that you choose to sponsor is up to you. We give away 4 door prizes at the end of each movie nights, this helps encourage people to stay until the end of the movie. Your church could provide these. we also have some church that provide concessions for the people that attend the movie. This could be everything (Their choice of a hamburger, hot dog, or nacho; 1candy; 1 popcorn; and 1 can drink or water). Some churches can only do some of these items. People appreciate it even if it is just one item. We have seen that having free food brings more people out to the park, but we also know that this is a big sacrifice for a church, so we do not require anything. What you provide is completely your choice. Your smiling facing and willingness to talk with those that come out to our movie night is all that we require.

Still seeking answers?
Do you have questions about our ministry, our missionaries, or about our Savior Jesus Christ? We would love to connect with you.