Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ “around the corner… Around the world”.

Drive-In Ministries

Sharing the Good News

What is this Good News that we are sharing? That God loves you so much and wants to have a relationship with you. In order for that to be possible He sent His one and only Son to die for you. You did nothing to deserve this, but He did this for you so that you can go to Heaven one day and live with Him forever. If you have never heard of this Good News or have questions about it, we would love to talk with you.

Around the Corner…

That Good News is being shared around the corner, starting at our home base in Prattville, AL. God has blessed us with a 13-acre park where we are able to play Christian movies every Friday night from March – November. We are seeing movie night grow in numbers. We have outfitted vehicles with an electronic screen, projector, sound system, and generator so that we can also take these movies further from home.

Around the World…

God’s Good News is being shared around the world with mobile units in the following countries.

  • Colombia
  • Guatemala
  • Haiti
  • India
  • Mexico
  • Nigeria
  • Romania

Our Team

Drive-In Missionaries

Mike and AnnaMae Jones

Mike and AnnaMae Jones have been serving with Drive-In since 2001.

Stephen and Erika Jones

Stephen and Erika joined Drive-In in ___ . They spent ___ years in Colombia sharing the Gospel there. They have transitioned back home in Alabama where they are serving as the Hispanic Ministries Director as well as the Facilities Director for Drive-In Park.

David and Dana Morrison

David and Dana Morrison are currently missionary candidates with Drive-In ministry. They are raising support, and volunteer as much as they can at Drive-In park. They are also learning about the ministry and how things operate from Mike and AnnaMae Jones.

Jim Morgan

Jim has been with Drive-In since

Ionut and Estera Udrescu

Ionut and Estera serve the Lord in Romania. Ionut was trained by Jim Morgan and took Jim’s place when Jim needed to come back to they states.

When you come to a movie, a mobile unit will be there. A mobile unit will have an electronic screen, projector, sound system, and generator. This allows us to set up the movie just about anywhere. Around the world we set up at parks, churches, remote villages, parking lots, and more.

Our History

In 1950, Drive-In Ministries was founded by Terry Lytle. Terry procured permission to use a cornfield in the Devil’s Lake area of Michigan to set up a platform for an outdoor Drive-In service. Soon evangelistic films were added to the service and greater attendance followed. Later a huge projection screen was built along with a glass enclosed platform. The Devil’s Lake Drive-in closed the summer of 2008 after 57 years of operation.

Terry and Olive Lytle

Drive-In Ministries Founder

Devil’s Lake

Drive-In in Michigan

Magnificent Movie Machine

a completely self-contained 55′ tractor/trailer rig, with screen sections that folded and stored on the roof and living quarters on the inside.

St.Petersburg, Flordia

In 1958 the ministry expamded to St.Petersburg, FL where the outdoor Drive-In could operater year-round. Within a few years a complete Drive-In was built on U.S. Hwy. 19 and proved to be an excellent tool of evangelism.

Magnificent Movie Machine

In 1973. Terry’s vision turned “mobile” as he developed the “Magnificent Movie Machine”, a completely self-contained 55′ tractor/trailer rig, with screen sections that folded and stored on the roof and living quarters on the inside.


Terry’s vision turned to the boating vactioners in 1974, when a business man offered his 50ft yacht to be used as a floating Drive-In on Lake Michigan. This became known as the “Showboat”.


50 ft yacht used as a floating Drive-In

Devil’s Lake

Drive-In in Michigan

Magnificent Movie Machine

a completely self-contained 55′ tractor/trailer rig, with screen sections that folded and stored on the roof and living quarters on the inside.

Grand Van

Next came the “Grand Van”, a 42 ft retired U.S. Postal bus, converted into another mobile film unit. This unit not only traveled the U.S. but also Mexico.

Downsize and Multiply

Downsizing and multiplying was the next vision. A fleet of used aluminum 27ft 5th-wheel trucks/trailers originally made for Frito-Lay became a fleet of Drive-In mobile units that spread into 27 states, Mexico, and eventually 2 were even shipped to Ukraine.

Terry Lytle’s dedication to the ministry

Terry was the founder and visionary of Drive-In Ministries for 57 years until his death in April of 2008. Olive stood by his side faithfully and was called home to be with the Lord in May of 2008. The ministry is growing and continues to expand the vision he started


See how Drive-In has touched people around the world.

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